SEXTUPLETS: ORICHA RISES TO THE OCCASION AS HE DONATES ₦1M …As father of sextuplets refers to Oricha as a grandfather of his children. By Balogun Omeiza David

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Right from the word go, God Almighty ordained it that a man and a woman should get married to in turn multiply their kind. That is why when a marriage is consummated, people begin to await the arrival of a child in the newly found home after 9 months or approximately after a year. The story of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Ifeanyi Nwachukwu took a different turn and unknown to many, it was simply for God Almighty to prove Himself as the only powerful being that should not be compared to any other deity.

Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Ifeanyi Nwachukwu walked down the aisle thirteen (13) years ago. They settled down as husband and wife in a place known as Chikara in Kogi Local Government Area of Kogi State. Their believe was that they will soon be blessed with the fruit of the womb like other newly married couple after some months into their union but little did they know they were going to wait as long as thirteen (13) solid years for their dream of becoming parents to become real. In the words of Mr. Clinton Ifeanyi Nwachukwu, an Assistant Coordinator of Christian Association (CAN) in Chikara, “Some people had already concluded that his wife was going to be barren for life. Some other persons concluded that I was the one that was not fertile. I left them to talk with their human knowledge available to them but my wife and I continued to fervently commit our childless condition into the hands of God Almighty.” He said.

When God Almighty finally decided to answer their prayers, the Omniscient God in His own perfect way of doing things that will ever remain a mystery to mortals arranged six (6) children in the womb of Mrs. Nkiruka Precious Ifeanyi. The six (6) children who were born on 29th January, 2024 at the National Hospital, Abuja came out alive as two (2) boys and four (4) girls to the wonderment of all who knew this can only be the handwork of God Almighty.

The Director General, Government House Administration, Lokoja Alh. Dr. Umaru Oricha Shuaibu is a man who is well learned, an avid reader of daily tabloids and also fond of keeping up with events all over the world as they unfold. It was because of his interest in getting latest updates about happenings that he ran into the story of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Ifeanyi Nwachukwu, the parents of the sextuplets who are yet to be three (3) months old. Alh. Dr. Umaru Oricha Shuaibu came across this story of how God has decided to show and prove Himself mighty among mortals not up to three (3) weeks ago and ever since, he has been thinking on the first phase of help that he can come up with to render assistance to this God given children.

As characteristic of Alh. Dr. Umaru Oricha Shuaibu, he shook his head many times wondering how God Almighty could arrange six (6) children in the womb of a woman. The “Al-ham-du-li-lahi” meaning, All praise be to Almighty Allah that he voiced repeatedly was up to a million times. Out of much excitement seeing what God Almighty has done, joyful tears strolled down from his eyes down to his cheeks. Those of us sitting down with him when this great news was broken to him had to quickly join him in thanking God Almighty for showing up for a family that some people thought they will never attain the position of parenthood.

In the words of Alh. Dr. Umaru Oricha Shuaibu, “God Almighty is to be thanked and praised for this great miracle. How to thank Him enough for everything He decides to do to favour us as mortals is what we will always lack the capacity to do.” Furthermore, the astute administrator said, “The cash gift of one million naira I have given out is for the parents to see to the medical bills they are already faced with. It is common knowledge that a gift of multiple children of this nature is a blessing that all of us must tap from when we give out whatever we have as our widows mite to be part of the growth of the children.”

Mr. Clinton Ifeanyi Nwachukwu in his words said, “I do not want to talk much in appreciating Alh. Dr. Umar Oricha Shuaibu. All I have to say is that he is God sent and I want to humbly start referring to him as the grandfather of the sextuplets that God has given to me and my wife. They will know more about this grandfather of theirs named Baba Oricha when they grow up as a father who partook in their growth.” He said.

In addition, Alh. Dr. Umaru Oricha Shuaibu added that, “This great miracle God has allowed to happen amongst us and especially in Kogi State must be heralded for all and sundry to hear and continue to keep faith in God Almighty as only Him and Him alone can give ears to every area in our lives needing His divine attention.”

Alh. Dr. Umaru Oricha Shuaibu popularly known as the landlord of the Government House in Lokoja injected into his words that, “The Holy Month of Ramadan as well as the Christian Fasting period are presently ongoing side by side. This is a period where all Muslims and Christians tend to seek the face of God Almighty over every predicament they are faced with. Let us grab this once in a year opportunity to seek God’s face as I am sure he will answer all of our prayers as He has answered the family of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Ifeanyi Nwachukwu blessing them with a sextuplets just for Him to prove to us once again that He is the great and mighty God.” He said.

To those who may like to be of help in one or the other to the family of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Ifeanyi Nwachukwu below is the phone contact to reach them and also an account details in their name: Clinton Ifeanyi Nwachukwu. 0013839571. Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)
Phone: 08038104660

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