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In very recent weeks, there have been one controversy or the other in Zamfara State which are at the level of insecurity, economic downturn, and political upheaval and this does not augur very well to the state.
Zamfara State, is a state in North West of Nigeria that is currently not at its best in terms of development, security challenges and other related issues.

The state needs capable hands to pilot it out of the troubled water it has found itself especially in the last couple of years. Here is a state God has heavily blessed with abundant mineral resources, good arable land for agriculture and valuable and quality manpower, the state is at the bottom of the pit struggling to regain its almost lost glory due to poor leadership caused by human factor.
Now that another good opportunity will soon present itself to the people of Zamfara State to rewrite its ugly present narrative to elect the right leadership that will be conscious of its development with such personality like Rt. Hon. (Dr.) Aminu Sani Jaji, an impeccable, honest, workaholic and passionate leader that will put his whole heart, energy, knowledge, brain and resources to steer the ship of the state from total destruction to the path of sustainable development, which some handful selfish individuals from the state are today working hard with tooth and nail and day and night to suppress Jaji’s ambition to come to fruition in the State.
Very recently, a two-faced, faceless and obscure group suffering from cupidity going by the name Nigerian Patriotic Youth Against Corruption (NPYAC) and led by one Ibrahim Isiaka, vilified or came up with some unfounded, frivolous, sordid and wicked allegations with cynical motive accused an upright personality like Hon. (Dr.) Aminu Sani Jaji of having some sympathy for criminal elements variously called bandits or terrorists operating across Zamfara State but the group refused to provide substantial evidence for its ignoble claim.
One may be forced to acknowledge that all the objectives set by the Nigerian Patriotic Youth Against Corruption are good and commendable especially in the area of exposing corrupt practices and other nefarious activities that have slowed down the growth and development of this country. Our organization, The Coalition of Christian Politicians in Nigeria (CCPN) has those laudable aims and objectives with us which are common with the NPYAC but we distant ourselves far away from the way and manner that the Nigerian Patriotic Youth Against Corruption was or is being used and manipulated by some selfish and stone-hearted politicians from Zamfara State to create schism among the electorate in the state. The organization shouldn’t have allowed itself to be used or bought-over by mendacious and daft politicians to promote disaffection in the state.
From their disjointed, unsubstantiated and cheeky write-up, the group made strong attempt to make-up their ignominious story, the group failed to prove its source of its allegations because everything in the package was full of errors and falsehood.
The witless thinking of the group has led them to think that it is more appropriate for the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to investigate the issue of terrorism financing and not minding the very important role of the office of the National Security Adviser in such investigation, issue like insecurity falls under the purview of the office of the National Security Adviser, Department of State Services (DSS), the Police and other security agencies, and not EFCC first
Furthermore, the group failed woefully to give detailed hard figures, and evidences of financial transactions between Hon. Jaji and the so-called terrorists that visited Jaji at his community, Gusau or Abuja or any part of the country. If the so called illicit transfer of fund had ever existed, then it should be dawn on the Nigerian Patriotic Youth Against Corruption to provide much detailed financial documents to support its so called claim.
The group also claimed to have succeeded in monitoring bandit cum terrorist leaders trooping to Dr. Jaji’s Gusau residence to talk and to collect money, but the organization couldn’t name or secure the photograph of such guests to Jaji’s home so that the organization can seamlessly nail him down. There should have been some graphic link showing or buttressing the interaction between the top ranking member of the House of Representatives and members of the outlawed criminal gang.
Some couple of weeks ago, the Federal Government of Nigeria via the office of the National Security Adviser listed names of some companies and individuals known to be financiers of terrorism in the country, Hon. Jaji’s name was never mentioned and none of his business interests were linked to banditry or terrorism, but surprisingly this bought-over organization called NPYAC has come out with falsehood that Aminu is a prominent individual helping to spread terrorism in the country. The Nigerian Patriotic Youth Against Corruption should have done diligent investigation on this matter before coming out to the public to say the least expected words about a person they don’t know anything about. Jaji is well-known for his peaceful disposition.
The elements behind the write-up as headed by Ibrahim Isiaka also mentioned that ‘Baba For All’ organization which was founded and funded by Hon. Aminu Sani Jaji, was purposely set up by Jaji to serve as a conduit pipe to fund terrorism and money laundering by the legislator. What kind of childish and idle talk is this? Jaji primarily nursed this Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) called Baba For All, to raise money to support the downtrodden and forgotten Nigerians, most especially in Northern part of Nigeria, in order for them to be elevated from their chronic poverty level which has ravaged most northern states of Nigeria for a number of years. This organization (NGO) came to be in 2021 or thereabouts. The NGO has impacted positively on the ordinary Nigerians thereby given Jaji the much recognition and respect of being a good father to all the poor. Today, those who have benefited from the largesse of the legislator have become his ardent followers across the north and in Nigeria in general. No wonder, these beneficiaries demonstrated their love and support for Hon. Jaji in 2023 by supporting Jaji’s presidential candidate, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu. No matter their population, they impressively lined up behind the All Progressives Congress presidential candidate. The contributions of all the members of the Baba For All played significant role in the election, this gave an added advantage to the political credentials of Jaji, even above his arch rivals who have nothing to show for their work. Jaji used various platforms including Baba For All, to mobilize for the victory of the All Progressives Congress in 2023 presidential election across the northern region of Nigeria.
Why now that Baba For All has become a household name, that some political jobbers now gather themselves together to discredit the good work of Baba For All as a progressive organization? If the role of Baba For All is not known and appreciated, Rt. Hon. Jaji won’t have been named as one of the Directors of the Tinubu Presidential Campaign Council or what have you to say? The leadership of NPYAC must learn how to separate politics from humanitarian services. What a shameful and witless approach to issues!
The uninspiring piece of work presented by Ibrahim Isiaka, raised the issue that Hon. Jaji should be investigated as the House of Representatives Committee Chairman on Public Safety and National Intelligence because the group felt that Jaji might have been compromised and corrupted in the 8th National Assembly and that he might also have used his office to promote insecurity in which several millions of dollars disappeared while he served in that capacity. The Coalition of Christian Politicians in Nigeria wants to enlighten Ibrahim Isiaka and his cohorts that they really lack basic knowledge and very ignorant on how public offices or accounts are been operated. Jaji’s duties at the national assembly are purely to make laws for the nation and to carry out oversight functions that may be assigned to them. Jaji has no access to national fund except his personal emoluments and other allowances given to him by the executive arm of the national government. Where would he get money to run Bureau de Change or finance terrorism? Please note that whatever money given to his committee like all other committees in the national assembly, are used for the progress of our country. Jaji alone cannot decide what the money given to his committee should be used for, it is rather a collective decision. Why should Jaji be investigated when he is not in the position to disburse fund to anybody or institution?
Conclusively, our organization, the Coalition of Christian Politicians in Nigeria (CCPN) is using this platform to tell the general public most especially the good people of Zamfara State to kindly disconnect themselves from the wicked and malicious accusations levied against a good man like Hon. Aminu Sani Jaji by a group of unscrupulous elements led by one Ibrahim Isiaka and get focused with the amiable and workaholic legislator representing Birnin Magaji Federal Constituency of Zamfara State. Members of the NPYAC who are acting for some failed politicians in Zamfara State are out to destabilize the state further, for some selfish political gains, they should please stop it. One thing we the members of the Coalition of Christian Politicians in Nigeria have seen playing out in Zamfara State, is the ploy to gang up against Hon. Jaji who is getting much support and popularity from every Zamfaran and the people have all promised to support him for whatever political ambition or interest he may have in 2027. Our interaction with the people of Zamfara State is that the people have soft spot for the easy going politician and they have vowed not let him down or allow him to walk alone and also would not allow anybody or group of persons to whittle down Jaji’s influence.
From the above discussion, it should be clear to all that, Hon. Aminu Sani Jaji will never support or provide cover to hoodlums, terrorists or bandits in any form in any part of country. The import of this panegyric is to correct this wicked rumour about the accusation that Hon. Jaji do romance with terrorists in several ways and to disabuse the minds of the innocent people of Zamfara State. The Coalition of Christian Politicians in Nigeria is using this medium to pray and encourage the scintillating Hon. Jaji that the Lord God is with him like a fearsome warrior and that God will deal with those persecuting him, they will stumble and will not prevail over him. They will be put to great shame, for they will not succeed in their evil plan against him, that is, if they don’t repent. For further reading, study Jeremiah chapter 20 verse 11. God bless the good people of Zamfara State for their steadfast and support for Hon.(Dr.) Aminu Sani Jaji.

Hon. Gabriel Ibrahim Itodo
National Coordinator

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