State Police’ll mitigate nation’s security challenges -Senate Leader Stephen Olufemi Oni, Ilorin

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Senate Leader, Senator Opeyemi Bamidele, has thrown his weight behind the establishment of state police, saying it would go a long way to mitigate Nigeria’s current security challenges with the proper control mechanisms put in place.

Delivering a distinguished personality lecture series of the University of Ilorin’s department of Political Science, in conjunction with the Institute of Legislative Studies, titled, Constitutional Amendment and Political Dynamics of State Policing in Nigeria, in the University of Ilorin on Monday, the Senate Leader said security affairs should be decentralised in the country.

Senator Bamidele, who said that it is imperative that Nigeria explores State Policing as the next available option to central police force, added that the central police force had failed to effectively manage the nation’s security challenges.

The Senate Leader, however, said that the move towards State Policing is not without its
political complexities, adding that one of the primary concerns is the potential for abuse of power by state governors, who he said might use the State Police Forces to suppress political opposition or violate human rights.

“This fear is not unfounded, given Nigeria’s history of political tensions and abuse of power.

“To mitigate such risks, any constitutional amendment must be
accompanied by stringent checks and balances. There should be
robust mechanisms for oversight and accountability to ensure that
State Police Forces operate within the bounds of the law and
respect citizens’ rights. Federal oversight, independent review
boards, and clear legislative frameworks are essential to prevent misuse of power.

“Another critical aspect to consider is the economic feasibility of
State Policing. Establishing and maintaining State police forces
require significant financial investment. States must be prepared to allocate adequate resources for training, equipping, and remunerating their police personnel.

“The Federal Government, on
its part, can support this transition through grants and technical
assistance, ensuring that no State is left behind due to financial
constraints. The path to constitutional amendment and the
establishment of State policing in Nigeria must be carefully
navigated. It requires broad consensus and collaboration among Federal, State, and Local Governments.

“Stakeholders, including civil
society organizations, traditional leaders, and the general populace, must be actively involved in the discourse to ensure that the transition is transparent and inclusive.

“Public education and awareness campaigns are also vital to
garnering support for this significant change.

“The benefits of State Policing, such as enhanced security, improved community relations, and
more effective crime prevention, must be clearly communicated to
the Nigerian people.

“In other words, constitutional amendment to introduce State
policing represents a transformative shift in Nigeria’s security landscape. While the political dynamics and challenges are substantial, they are not insurmountable. With careful planning, robust safeguards, and a commitment to democratic principles, Nigeria can build a more responsive, accountable, and effective policing system”, he said.

In his welcome address, the Acting HOD, Political Science, Dr. Adebola Bakare, said that the department settled for the topic; Constitutional Amendment and the Political Dynamics of State Policing in Nigeria, because of conflicting trajectory on State Policing, among levels of Nigerians.

“While some people argued for the establishment of state police to complement the federal policing architecture to adequately cover the nooks and crannies of the country, others are afraid of what will become of the state police in the hands of tyrant

“Our intention is to use today’s lecture to stimulate further discourse on the subject matter. We plan to organize a two-day roundtable subsequent to today’s lecture where stakeholders (security officials, CSOs, farmers, herders, marketers, and the media, among others) will be invited to deliberate on the way forward”.

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