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The Deputy Speaker of Kogi State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Comfort Nwuchiola Egwaba has condemned the unrest and violent attacks between Ayeke and Eñweli Communities, both in Akpanyo ward of Ibaji Local Government Area. She described the incident as shocking, mindless and abominable.

The Deputy Speaker, who spoke in the two palaces of the kings of Ayeke and Enweli at different time on Saturday, March 16, 2024 condemned the action taken by the youths of both waring communities. She said taking up arms against each other as brothers is unheard off and senseless.

She asked all parties to lay down their arms and explore peaceful avenue in solving the issues amongst them.

She further declared the Governments readiness to quell every form of insecurity and threat to peaceful co-existance and progress of both communities and other communities in Ibaji by extension.

The Deputy Speaker assured both communities of the government’s preparedness to restore lasting peace, as no development can take place in an atmosphere of rancour and animosity.

She pleaded with the people of Ayeke and Eñweli to observe the curfew imposed on them due to the crisis.

The lawmaker prayed to God Almighty to reign peace on Ibaji Local Government Area.

The Deputy Speaker also charged the security agencies not to spare any rod in its rapid response, in order to track the perpetrators, and bring them to justice.

Office of the deputy speaker of Kogi state house of Assembly
16th March 2024

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