Dr. Toying Akanle Condoles Governor Yahaya Bello Over Mother’s Death

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I, Dr. Toyin Akanle, mni on behalf of my family and members of Team Akanle Political Support Group hereby condole with His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, the Executive Governor of Kogi State over the death of his beloved mother, Hajia Hauwau Oziohu Bello.

We know what it takes to lose a mother and we in Team Akanle received the news of the demise of your mother with rude shock.

Though death is a necessary end for all mortals, Hajia Hauwau Oziohu Bello died when His Excellency needed her wise and motherly counsel most.

No doubt that the deceased lived a fulfilled life worthy of emulation and her death has created a vacuum too difficult to fill.

Team Akanle is saddened by this great loss and we pray God grant the family the fortitude to bear the grief.

We sympathize with Governor Yahaya Bello, the entire Alhaji Bello Ipemida family and the people of the state over this loss.

Our prayer is that God grant the deceased Aljana fridaus and may God forgive her short comings.

Dr. Toyin Akanle ADG, DSS (Rtd), mni

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