Former Commissioner jail for 19 years

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The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission, ICPC has secured the conviction of Mr. Zachaeus Atte, a former Commissioner for Agriculture in Kogi State
According to the commission in a series of tweets on its official Twitter handle, @ICPC_PE, Mr. Atte was convicted on corruption charges by a Kogi State High Court sitting in Okene, Kogi State and presided over by Hon. Justice J.J Majebi.
Atte was found guilty on 7 out of the 11 counts of the charge preferred against him by ICPC. “The convict who is to serve a total of 19 years jail term, was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment each on counts 1 and 3 without an option of fine, for collecting the sum of =N=11,937,000:00 and =N=8,873,766:85K respectively, being money meant for the raising and distribution of Oil Palm Sprouted Nuts Seedlings” to cocoa farmers in Kogi State but did not raise nor distribute same.
This is an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 19 of the Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act 2000 (ICPC Act),” the commission posted. ICPC: “Former Commissioner for Agriculture bags 19 Years Jail Term ICPC has secured the conviction of Mr. Zachaeus Atte, a former Commissioner for Agriculture in Kogi State, North-Central Nigeria. Mr. Atte was convicted on …#DoTheRightThing #IntegrityPays — ICPC Nigeria (@ICPC_PE) January 24, 2020
He was also sentenced on count 2 to five years imprisonment without an option of fine, “for receiving the sum of =N=350,000:00 being amount earmarked to defray the transportation costs of the farmers during the cocoa seedlings distribution exercise” but failed to do so.
This is also an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 19 of the ICPC Act. The former Commissioner was further sentenced to 1 year imprisonment each on counts 8 to 11 for “spending from the sum of =N=2,849,953:75K being amount earmarked for the purchase of office equipment on what he called Statewide Sensitization Tour; visit to Lagos from Lokoja on issues of Power Tiller; and Video Coverage” contrary to and punishable under section 22(5) of the ICPC Act.
Credit; Daily Trust Newspaper

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