I Will Transform Kabba/Bunu LGA When Elected

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A leading Chairmanship aspirant in the forth coming Kogi state Local Government Electio, Mr. Ajibade Moses Oluwasegun has promise to transform Kabba/Bunu Local Government Area when elected as the Chairman of the Council.
Mr. Ajibade who gave the hint at his home town Kabba while briefing newsmen on his political aspiranion said that the state of under Infrastructural decay and lack of social development in his Local Government necessitated his interest to run for the Local Government number one position.
The young and vibrant politician noted that the reason why Local Government Area was created has suffered grave neglect overtime with the community and people as the greatest casualtie.
Mr. Ajibade said that when he is elected, he will put measures in place to address the high rate of insecurity within our metropolis and in the Rural Areas and also tackle the heneral decay in the infrastructural development of Kabba/Bunu Local Government Area,he also promised to improve the state of our health facilities and services while also making a deliberate effort to encourage and support the agricultural sector, sports, tourism and our rich environmental potentials.
He noted that as the Chairman of the Local Government, he will work with the traditional rulers, religious leaders and community stakeholders in bringing development to the people.
Mr. Ajibade said when elected, he will incorporate spirited individuals, cooperate bodies to develop his local Government noting that the welfare and development of his people is paramount to him. The Chairmanship aspirant noted that he will raise a body who will work and manage the IGR of his local government for the overall development of the area.
Mr. Ajibade noted that he is putting himself forward to contest for the chairmanship position of Kabba/Bunu local government council in order to harvest and harness all the creative potentials of the people and environment to put his local government on the part of prosperity and progress. He stressed that the greatest enemy of any local government is lack of vision, transparency and accountability in the discharge of their duties in office and not for LACK of STATE SUPPORT because, the capacity and capacity of the Chairman of the council determines the extent of state policies and programmes interpretation and implimentation within the Council.
The vibrant and dynamic administrator appealed to the good people of Kabba/Bunu local government area to support his plan to transform Kabba/Bunu local government to the next level of development and provide employment opportunities to the teaming youths who will fully be engaged in various skills acquisition schemes that will make them self-reliant and will be able to eliminate thuggery and related vices in Kabba/Bunu local government when elected.
Mr. Ajibade noted that no society is destined to be backward by God and appealed to his people to join him so that collectively we can solve our problems and challenge. He implored the good people of Kabba/Bunu to join hands together for politics of development and consider MERIT as Major criteria for supporting people into political offices. “People who have done very well in their chosen professions should be given opportunity to serve” nothing that he has all it takes to take Kabba/Bunu local government area to a great height
Following the corona virus pandemic currently ravaging the world, the frontline chairmanship aspirant appealed to the good people of Kabba/Bunu local Government Area in particular and Kogi state in general to adhere strictly to all the stay safe instructions of regular washing of hands with soap at all times with water, use of hand sanitizer, social distancing at any compulsory groupings, watch out for any manifestation of related symptoms and let’s all be our brothers keeper
He also charged them to obey the sitting arrangement in churches and mosques to ensure social distancing.
Mr. Ajibade urged Christian leader to use the Easter celebration to pray for the peace of not only Nigeria but the world at large. He also task Christians on sacrifice, love and oneness as we celebrate the celebration of the death and resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ and wished them a happy Easter celebration.

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