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Idah Director of local government, Mr. Musa Ali has called on the people of the area to put to maximum use the precautionary kits to contain the contact and spread of COVID. 19. Mr. Musa Ali made the call at Idah Secretariat while distributing safety materials to Heads of Departments which are ro be used to brighten the personal hygiene of the staff of the council. He charged the HODs to monitor the proper use of the materials like buckets-tap, soap sanitizers to free ourselves from contacting Covid. 19. Idah DLG commended the Governor of Kogi state, His Excellency, Alh. Yahaya Adoza Bello for according health care top priority. Mr. Musa Ali then demonstrsted the use of the materials and urged others to follow suit for our Heath and safety. He called on other beneficiaries of COVID. 19 safety kits like Idah Police station, Youth Council and Okada Riders to use the materials for rhe purpose intended. Mr. Musa Ali eesrarwd his resolve that Idah local government government will continue to keep the people updated on how to avoid and stop the spread of coronavirus disease. Speaking, the HOD Education and Social services, Mall. Obeito S. Hassan assured the DLG that the materials will be put to maximum use to free ourselves from contacting coronavirus disease. He appealed to the beneficiary groups like the Nigeria Police, Youth Council and Okada Riders to educate their members to use the materials to maintain and sustain good personal hygiene. Information office Idah LGA. 6/4/2020.

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