Ijumu 2020:Competence or Zoning ?

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I have watched keenly the argument in recent time on who to occupy the number one seat of Ijumu Local Government Area and have come up with the following observation.
Those on the side of competence argued that the present administrator of the LG Hon.Dr. Taofiq Isa has done well and should be allow to continue the good work and others on the side of zoning said dam good work it must move to Ijumu Oke.
Moving it to Ijumu Oke where I come from should ordinarily make me jump for joy and support any candidate from the axis even if is a ‘goat’ but that will totally go against what I stand for as a person which is equity and fair play.
Presently in the present dispensation, the member of the House of Assembly is from Ijumu Oke,Senate and commissioner is from Ijumu Arin and the Gbedde axis is left with nothing. It is only wise as brothers that we call ourselves to allow the chairmanship of the LG to go to the Gbedde axis not for anything but for the sake of equality, fair play and brotherhood.
Is so unfortunate that a LG as vibrant as Ijumu can be this divided no wonder we are where we are today in the committee of LGs in the State. I urge us all to drop any agenda of one axis against the other and allow for fair play and love amongst us and watch how our darling LG grow rapidly. We are lucky to have the best hands at the same time in the history of our LG which are Sen. Smart Adeyemi(Senate), Hon Olusola Kilani Olumo (Assembly)and Hon. Victor Omofaiye (commissioner) it’s only wise to compensate the man that worked so hard to make this happen to be in the hem of affair at the LG level and the person is no other than Hon.Dr. Taofiq Isa.
Let us pay good with good cos that’s what we are known for……
Thank you and God bless us all.

Lanre Obalaja
Taofiq Isa Advocacy Movement (TIMA)

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