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_By Sule Abdulwakil (SSA Security YE)_

The Global and National Ratings of his Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello, the Pro-Active and executive Governor of Kogi State as an Ambassador, Symbol and Epitome of the Fight Against insecurity is not an hogwash or just political analysis but an evidence of his practical Approach and results of the Fight Against insecurity and all forms of Social Vices.

His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello at the inception of his first term in office immediately made security of lives and properties the number one priority of his administration.

This commitment and determination colluminated into his massive investment in security by making available funds for the procurement of hundreds of vehicles and security gadgets for the entire security agencies in the state.

Also before his coming into office, the moral of security agencies in the state was on the low as they were only dependent on thier Normal monthly salaries despite functioning in the state’s Area of responsibility.

Another Area that was lacking before the coming of his Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello was the lack of Synergy and working Relationship between Key Relevant security Agencies operating in the state.

These Various lapses And short comings of previous Administration in the state led to wide-Spread of Crime rates, thuggery, Armed robbery and Massive daily rates of kidnappings.

The coming of GYB put a full stop to all this criminal activities because of the new Direction’s Government determination to defend the mandate and confidence the Teaming Masses has reposed in the Government.

His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello Came on board and built a Synergy of Mutual trust and Team spirit Among the security agencies and the idea of joint task force was birthed with the inclusion of all security Agencies in the state. Special Allowances were designed for those on special operations under the coverage of the state.

This initiatives has not only drastically reduced crime rates but has also gone a long way in Making Kogi state a Model to other states in the area of Security.

No wonder his Excellency has received a lot of awards, accolades and commendation in the areas of effective Community Policing and urban security.

Recently he was appointed to lead a massive security innitiave covering the entire northern Nigeria.
Months Ago,when kidnappings wanted raising it’s ugly head on the ever busy Obajana-Kabba road, his Excellency in his usual non-tolerance to insecurity armour swing into action and requested that a unit of the mobile police be situated around the troubled zone. This request was granted by the police high command and neccesary logistics provided and today, kidnappings and other crimes around the area is now history.

Recently yagba East, a local government in Kogi State that used to hitherto be peaceful and friendly experienced it’s flash share of crime that was peculiar to some other regions of the country when men numbering about 25 According to reports Over-ran the security Architecture of a town named (Isanlu), Attacked a first bank branch and Also the divisional police Station located in the town, killed 8 police officers and 3 civilians and made away with large sums of undisclosed cash.

This particular incident was not only terrifying and ugly but was an incident that has sent down fears down the spine of every dweller.

His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello Swung into action and sent an high powered delegation led by his Excellency Chief Edward onoja, the deputy governor of the state and other top government functionaries down to yagba east local government to commiserate with the people of yagba east.

During the visit, Some key promises were made top of which was the promise to Apprehend and prosecute the perpetrators of the evil act, compensation to the families of the deceased officers and civilians, building of perimeter fence and post cum total renovation of the police Station that was destroyed by Dinamites and Posting of additional officers to beef up security Around the LGA.

All promises made as at today has been fulfilled by the ever faithful government of His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello in the space of less than 3 Weeks but the most joyful and heart warming of all the promises that was made is the recent arrest of 6 Gang Members of the dreaded robbers that perpetrated the evil act.

That Arrests were made by the police was in fulfilfiment and determination of his Excellency to bring all the actors of the ugly Carnage to book as he has remained restless ever since the incident happened.

GYB has yet again fulfiled his convenant to the good people of Yagba East and the people are grateful for his gesture towards the security of lives and property of the people.

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