MILESTONE: Alhaji IDRIS ISHAKA KING (1947-2018 )lives on

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(1947-2018 )lives on

Since his demise on 27th May 2018, hundreds of eulogies have been poured on him.He was the most famous political lord inKogi politics and a pillantronpist, per excellence with a large political followers in Kogi state.
Two years after leaving this earth, his polical land marks have been sources of joy for those who have an encounter with him.Granted the fact that death is an inevitable end for all mortas, the sudden death of Alhaji Idris King at the late hour of 10.00pm of Saturday 2018 in the month of May which culminated in his burial the following day was not only shocking and devastating to his family, but also to the government of Kogi State, his friends, political associates and indeed the entire Kogites at the time his services and political experience were most needed.
.The multitude that trooped to his residence at okene GRA on that day upon the news of his demise, the mammoth crowd of sympathizers at his residence where Islamic funeral prayers were held for repose of his corpse, the motorcade that accompanied his corpse to okene public cemetary, his final resting place and most importantly the presence of Kogi State Governor, His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello and some notable members of his cabinet at the various stages of the deceased last journey to mother earrth, revealed the personality Alhaji Idris King was made of.
Espressing his feeling, the governor described the deceased as not only an accomplished bussinesman and politician, but also has the virtues of humility,piety, patriotism and passion for peace, Justice and development, stressing that the above qualities stood him out during his life time on earth.
He was given birth to on 14th March 1947 to the family of Mallam Ishaka Onukoko lawal of Okene. As a leader and humanist, the elder stateman was said to have engaged in keeping polical appointments and distribution of Ramadan food items to relations, party members and the needy on the eve of his death.He was a true leader with large followers
.Uptill date his followers are still very intact and since his demise, his polical group has identified with the new direction of the present administration of His Excellency ,Alhaji Yahaya Bello of Kogi State for a better tomorrow
.The leader of the group, Honourable Abdulaziz Idris King has been in the fore front to actualize the objective of the group in support of the present administration in the state
Honourable Abdulaziz King commended the governor for identifying with the group and pledged to continue to support the governor for accelerated development of the state.
May his gentle soul continue to rest in peace

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