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Today being 23rd June 2020, Distinguished Senator Smart Adeyemi Accompanied by the Dr (Mrs) Arike Ayoade Folashade the Secretary to the state government, Commander Jerry Omodara the state Security Adviser and other top State government Officials paid a condolence visit to the Agbana of Isanlu, the Nigerian Police Isanlu Division and the Isanlu Community at large.

The Visit According to Distinguished Senator Smart Adeyemi was to Commiserate with the good people of Isanlu over the ugly robbery incident that claimed the lives of 8 police officers and 3 civilians.

While at the palace of the Agbana of Isanlu, Distinguished Senator Smart Adeyemi Said the incident is unfortunate and that he was deeply touched by the number of deaths associated with the robbery Attack.

He prayed for the repose of the soul of the all the deceased officers and civilians involved and further urge all and sundries not to politicize the deaths as insecurity is not new all over the world and also said everyone should be vigilant and provide information to security agencies at all times.

He took out time to extol the virtues of Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello whom he said has invested heavily in the areas of security and making all efforts to protect every kogite regardless of tribe and religion.

The Agbana of Isanlu, HRH Oba Moses Etombi thanked the Distinguished Senator and the state delegation for coming and said the incident is rather unfortunate and painful and said as a community, receiving high powered delegations of this nature on a sad note is a very bad omen and prayed that when next such important dignitaries are visiting, it shall be for a joyful reason and purpose.

He said insecurity is a global phenomenon and death generally can happen to anyone regardless of party affiliation and that deaths doesn’t recognize party or personalities.

He warned that such sensitive issues should not be policitized and prayed that such tragedy should never befall the land anymore.

The Agbana of Isanlu, Oba Moses Etombi said the entire people of yagba east are grateful for the Massive renovation works ongoing at the Isanlu police division being financed by the state government and also the Additional Security personnels posted to maintain calm and secure the land.

He said they will continue to be grateful to the GYB led Administration for being pro-active and responsive.

Distinguished Senator Smart Adeyemi and his Entourage thereafter proceeded to the Isanlu Police Division and Area Command where he was received by the the Area Commander of the Zone, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Okoye who took the Distinguished Senator on a tour of the entire newly Renovated Police Division and thanked his Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello on behalf of officers and Men of the Nigerian Police force and further retariated the commitments of the force toward securing the people of Yagba East.

He however observed that the force in yagba east local government are battling with logistical challenges as both the area command and the Division are using just an Operational vehicle and pleaded with the state to assist in that regards.

ACP Okoye thanked the delegation for coming as the visit was timely and serves as a soothing balm on thier wounds.

After leaving the police division, The Entourage Proceeded to the family house of Late Mallam Abdulmumini who passed on over the weekend. He prayed for the repose of the soul of the deceased and pray that God comfort the families he left behind.

Mallam Abdulmumini was a strong and ardent follower of Distinguished Senator Smart Adeyemi and His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Bello.

Those who accompanied the Distinguished Senator on the Visit includes Dr (Mrs) Folashade Arike Ayoade, the SSG of Kogi state, Commander Jerry Omodara (RTD)the state Security Adviser, the State commissioner for Environment Hon Adewale Omofaiye, Commissioner for Education Hon Wemi Jones, Commissioner for finance Asiwaju Idris Asiru,The Senior Special Assistants on security of Kabba Bunu, Mopa-Muro and Yagba West, Engr Kayode Adegbayo and a host of other Dignitaries.


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