One key variable affecting the performance of leaders across the globe is not the people they governed or control, socio – economic resources but the attitude of our leaders entrusted with key positions of governance. It is often very easy to criticize our leaders in the act of governance, but we have failed to access our self in our immediate role in providing quality leadership within our homes, communities, Local Government and state. Are we having leaders that will generate results.? What is our level of commitment to generate results or add value to that institution under our purview? Is the narrative still virtually the same as you met it? What serious impact are you making in the area of your domain of leadership? How effective have you demonstrated your leadership competence that will bring new strategies to improve the act of governance and enhance standard of living in the people. Can we adjudge you to be the messiah the people anticipated to have in their innate cry or determination to bring succor to their life’s? What will the historian write about you for the next ten twenty years what you have done to transforming better life for the people? This write up is intended to generate a learning position for all who are leaders or intend to be leaders to their people as election draws nearer. As Peter Senge aptly opined that Leadership is about learning how to shape the future… Leadership exists when people are no longer victims of circumstances but participate in creating new circumstances. Leadership is about creating a domain in which human beings continually deepen their understanding of reality and become more capable of participating in the unfolding of the world. Ultimately leadership is about creating new realities.”
As human we do not realize that we are not merely a character in the story of our life but is in fact the author
What we perceived as life is not absolute truth. lt is just construction of meanings and interpretations that we are trapped in and until we can distinguish the interpretation as interpretations we may not drive a wedge out of the vicious cycle we are trapped in our developmental effort to generate result. The leadership competence we are advocating here is not the executive or transactional leadership but transformational leadership to generate result within the time frame of our tenure as leaders leading our people. Transformational leadership is a fundamental shift in the deep orientation of a person, organization or society such that the world is seen in new ways and new actions and results become possible that were impossible prior to the transformation. As transformed Leaders we more concerned with the future — a future that is not predictable and that requires effort, intention, patience, imagination, humility and one that will not arise without intentional human activity. It is a leadership technology of making a future possible and then making what is possible real. It is not a leadership that is directed at giving instruction and generating understanding or doing our official responsibility business as usual but that which enable us to carry out our statutory roles with zeal and commitment. It is never prescriptive but innately generated leadership which allow us to take stands, take new initiatives and inspire us for more commitment. The leadership concept advocated here generates a shift of being, who we are, beyond giving information and generating understanding. Breakthrough results are generated through taking a stand for a new future which is different from what business as usual will give us. lt recognizes that leadership resides in everyone and that it can be nourished and developed. The overall approach will build on best practices in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-sponsored Leadership Development Programme (LDP), which has effectively been conducted in Nigeria since 2004. This type of leadership approach has also been successfully applied in many countries which underscore their speedy development pattern. Is there anything wrong to learn to apply the right strategy that will offers best practices? There is need for attitudinal change in the institutionalization of ideals of good governance, which is the corollary for efficient and effective service delivery. This is because as the drivers of any meaningful transformational process, all sector including civil service, private sectors, professional and political actors have to embrace change or else it runs the risk of losing its essence. It is expected that leadership under this new approach will have an expanded capacity to design truly strategic initiatives and processes for enduring change. It will also help our leaders to have an increased ability to think, speak and listen to inspired and mobilize others into effective action. Professionally, they will recognize and respond to patterns of change in governance and position themselves, personally and organizationally, as part of a larger generative force that will reshape the current landscape and support the achievement of the results desired. As we are thinking of electing new leaders to key positions we must think outside the box and elect leaders that will lead us to new height of our development dreams. Government at all level of governance should provide platform where newly elected leaders are trained.
Samuel Shiaka Atumiye
NationalLeadership Coach
08059154821 or 08122898949