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In furtherance of his philanthropic gestures and characteristic closeness to his people and their aspirations , Abiodun Aiyedun an All Progressive Congress (APC) Chairmanship hopeful weekend distributed food items to Muslim faithfuls in Ogori /Magongo LGA currently observing the annual Ramadan fast
Abiodun who congratulated them for been alive hail and hearty to undertake / observe the obligatory fasting during this year Ramadan
urged them to pray for the peace ,progress and prosperity of Ogori /Magongo LGA during the period
The chairmanship hopeful who also reminded them of some demands of the Ramadan period,
urged the faithfuls to keep up their acts of charity ,alms giving ,self denials and supplications during the month long fasting period
He commended their valuable contributions to the peace ,progress and development of the Area just as he applauded their spirit of peaceful co existence with other religious faithfuls in the LGA.
The aspirant used the occasion to appeal to the people of the LGA to adhere strictly to the COVID 19 safety protocols as stipulated by WHO , FGN and KOGI State governments which according to him include social distancing ,regular washing of hands with soap in running water ,use of face mask among others to help in halting the spred of the pandemic.
Abiodun who commended the level of adherence in the Area so far against the spread of the ravaging deadly pandemic ,applauded the pro active measures put in place by the visionary and pragmatic State Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello which has helped in warding off the pandemic from the state.
He prayed for the total and immediate eradication of the pandemic currently ravaging the world


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