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“It has been God. I was elected amidst raging war but God saw my election through”
These were the words of Hon Ranyi Daniya the House of Assembly member representing Bassa constituency in a chat with some newsmen in Lokoja to mark his one year in office.
It is interesting to note that two days to his election war broke out among the Igburra Mozum people and Bassa Kwomus at Sheria and Oguma axis. The election was to hold March 9, 2019 and war broke out Thursday March 7, 2019. Without mincing words the intention of the sponsors of the war was not just to disrupt the election but to stop it from holding perpetually and leave a vacuum in the seat of Bassa constituency in the state House of Assembly. But as it is often said in corrupted English Language norm – “God pass them.”
Well the election was held with tight security and Hon Daniya emerged the winner.
Those who know Bassa Local Government in the last three years will agree that it has remained to be the hotbed of blood letting. Just too bad.
For Hon Daniya, assuming office June 7, 2019 was not a tea party. The events of the war during his election was fresh in his mind. Tackling the monster of the blood sucking demons in Bassa was a hurclein task he has to face headlong. And like the former Nigeria Senate President Adolphus Wabara once said – “It takes a man to be a man.” Hon Daniya faced the challenges of Bassa representation right from the day of his election. He knew right inside him that his political journey at the state House of Assembly will be daunting. Expectedly it is a journey he has to and must embark since he was elected by Bassa electorate.
While his colleagues are counting their successes in one year through influencing one project or the other in their constituencies, Hon Daniya could only count a few.
As a political juggernaut who baptized himself into the murky waters of Nigeria politics immediately he left his NYSC service year in 1994, Hon Daniya knew that his first step in office was to tackle the deteriorating security situation in Bassa. With the help of Governor Yahaya Bello, the state security Adviser, Jerry Omodara and former Bassa Administrator, Samuel Alumka, Hon Daniya severally brought the warring factions to a round table talk to Bassa Secretariat and sometimes at Aguma’s palace at Oguma. These meetings goes with financial costs of transportation and logistics to Hon Daniya and the state government.
With the God given wisdom of Hon Daniya, the state government and the help of God, the displaced Igburra Mozum who once lived in Biroko returned. It is however unfortunate that their return was shortlived. What led to this is a story for another day. It is however gladning to note here that frantic efforts has once again commenced for a lasting peace in Bassa land.
Amidst the senseless war, Hon Daniya could do little to influence government projects to Bassa. Both Hon. Daniya and Kogi state government have been spending large chunk of money in ensuring peace returns to Bassa. By the grace of God peace will return to Bassa land and Hon Daniya for sure will influence projects to Bassa land in his second year in office.
On a brighter note, it is interesting to note here that since Hon Daniya assumed office June 7, 2019, majority of Bassa electorate – the Bassa Kwomus, Bassa Nges and the Igburra Mozum people have received tremendous financial support from time to time. During the last two Sallah and the last December Christmas celebrations, most of the Bassa electorate received financial support from Hon Daniya. We have our records and we have kept them to our chest. Even our reverred traditional rulers in the three districts that make up Bassa land (May their reign be long) are not left in Hon Daniya’s moral and financial support at all times.
The youths of Bassa land are not left out in Hon Daniya’s financial support. Many of them have received financial support for their school fees in tertiary institutions while some of them received financial support for marriages and for their wives who gave births.
This write up is not intended to say Hon Daniya has done enough. This is however a synopsis of his little achievements in one year in office. He can do better and of course he will in the remaining years of his tenure.
All that is required today is prayers for peace to reign in Bassa land. Nothing tangible can be achieved amidst continued war. Let it be known to Bassa Kwomus and the Igburra Mozum people that war is retrogressive in all facets of life.
With peace in place, Hon Daniya can move mountains. He won’t need physical bulldozers but political manouvering to bring development to Bassa land
We sincerely thank the entire Bassa electorate for their great support in the last one year of Hon Daniya in office. You are all the best people Hon Daniya has and will ever have.
As Hon Daniya journeyed into his second year in office, his wish and desire is PEACE, PEACE, PEACE, for Bassa land. Peace for development.
Emmanuel Jasa Gwatana is Hon Daniya’s political associate and works with Kogi state THE GRAPHIC newspaper, Lokoja. Nigeria.

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