Expansionist mission has no place in modern day Nigeria – group tells Attah Igala, sue for peace

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Expansionist mission has no place in modern day Nigeria – group tells Attah Igala, sue for peace

Members of the Kogi Central Think Tank Forum, Lokoja, kogi state has advised those on expansionist mission to drop the idea, saying that such action has no place in modern day Nigeria.

In a statement signed by Muallimu Al-Rashid Bello and Alh. Mohammed Baba Sadiq, chairman and Secretary respectively, also warned that such a move has the potential of tearing the state apart, adding that the resultant effects such move will not have a good place in history.

The call was made by members of the group on Wednesday, after an emergency meeting which deliberated on the Federal High Court Judgement that purportedly ceded Ajaokuta, Lokoja and Kotonkarfi LGAs to lgala Kingdom.

The group called on lndigenes of Ajaokuta, Lokoja and Kotonkarfi of Kogi State to remain calm even in the face of provocation arising from the said judgement.

The Forum noted with dismay, that in 21st century, some people could still embark on divisive tendencies rather than embrace what could unite them as a State and Nation.

While calling on leaders to be mindful of their actions or inactions, they insisted that those that erred should be called to order if they must sustain the prevailing peace in the State.

The Forum commended the
Governor of Kogi State, Alh. Yahaya Adoza Bello, for the actions he has taken so far, to douse the tension created by the pronouncement, urging him not to relent in his efforts to ensure the peaceful coexistence of citizens of Kogi state.

The Forum equally commended His Royal Majesty, Dr. Ado Ibrahim, the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland for his fatherly role in ensuring peace in the land and urged him to continue his interactions with other Stakeholders across the state, emphasising that it is in times such as this that true leaders and patriots are known.

The meeting was chaired by Adai Stephen Yokubu, former Secretary to Kogi State Government. He stood in for The Forum Chairman, Muallimu AI-Roshid Bello. In attendance were Mr. Moses Onivehu, retired Perm Sec, Hajia Ladi Ibrahim, former SSG Kogi State

Others are; Alh. Mohammed Baba, Secretary of The Forum, Comrade Haroun Opotu, Pioneer Chairman of National Youth Council of Nigeria, Alh. A.k. Bello, Notional Vice President of Ebira People‘s Association (EPA), Ven. John Oricha, Administrative Assistant to The Bishop, Diocese of Lokojo (Anglican Communion), Emmanuel Boro (JP), former Chairman, NUJ, Kogi State Council.

The list includes; Hon. Momoh Steven Aziz, former Special Adviser the state Governor on Education, Engr. Chief Williams Solowu, Alh. Mohammed Jafaru, Alh. (Engr.) Abdullohi Ahmodu, former Director of Engineering, NTA Headquarters, Kaduna, Comrade Austin Ochu, Member. Kogi State, Civil Service Commission amongst others.

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