I Have Justified My Mandate – Hon. Lawal Replies Criticse …Says Why Always Me?

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Members representing AJaokuta Federal Constituency in Kogi State, Hon. Idirissu Lawal has declared as ‘cheap blackmail from set of miscreant’ the story in some social media that his one year in the House of Representatives has been a waste and a misrepresentation.

The member who said on the contrary he had justified the mandate giving to him by the people of the constituency, queries the incessant attacks against him and his personality by the opposition, asking; Why Always me?

The reps member in a statement by his media haner, Yahaya Yunusa on Tuesday said the blackmail and intimidation by the opposition would not stop him from carrying out the mandate of his constituents.

“The attention of the media office of the member representing AJaokuta Federal Constituency, (APC) Hon. Idirissu Lawal has been drawn to the desperation of the opposition to frame him up with some blatant fabrications ostensibly to distract him from carrying out his responsibility of providing concrete representation at the green chamber.”

“Hon. Lawal will ordinarily not join issues with the opposition on any matter, but regrettably the opposition has instead chosen to use blackmail and media persecution to defame and discredit the honourable member.

“Foremost, AJaokuta For Good Governance Initiative used for the latest attack is not only faceless, but a ghost name used for the purpose of maligning Hon. Lawal’s reputation. However, for the purpose of setting the record straight and for the general public not to be misled by their falsehood, we make the following clarification:

“That Hon. Lawal just last year September embarked on youths and women empowerment involving distribution of motorcycles, hair dryer machines and other equipments. He also made available millions of naira used to pay WAEC and JAMB fees for over 300 of his constituents. He provided computer training for youths selected across the constituency with each beneficiaries receiving set of computers as well as start up capital to become self reliance.

“With Covid19 outbreak, Hon. Lawal gave foods supports to cushion lockdown effects to his constituents in two phases.

“He has also attracted federal government attention to the reconstruction of Itobe – Okene Federal highway which is already incorporated into the 2020 FG budget. His lobbying with the Federal government has also yielded positive result in the rescucitation of AJaokuta steel company, for which an Implementation committee has been set up. He also lobbied for the rehabilitation and renovation of primary schools within the Constituency. As soon as Covid19 lockdown eases off, those projects will enjoyed FG response. Not to forget the donation and supply of desk and books amongst others.

“On being forced on Governor Yahaya Bello for second term. Every Kogite by now knows Governor Bello’s pragmatic dispositions. This he displayed when he ensured fair and equal representative of all districts by providing a level playing field for candidates to run on the merit of their performance and popularity. Hon. Lawal who had performed to people’s expectation in first tenure enjoyed his people’s supports and was duly and subsequently reelected for second term.

“On human development, he has been making efforts to ensure he influence some Federal job slots for his Constituency but the global pandemic threatening the nation which calls for lockdown as slow down all the efforts. But as soon as the economy fully come to stay he shall ensure he follow up and get the needful done

“Haven addressed those issues raised, it is now clear that the opposition’s gimmick has failed because AJaokuta constituents and the people of Kogi state in general have come to know the antics of the pitiable opposition. Luckily they are not blind to Hon. Lawal achievements which speaks for itself.

“Their antic is a desperate moves to force a bad name on Hon. Lawal, to discredit him by their lies, forgotten that lies may travel for long but truth will still overrun it. For the past one year the numbers of palliatives given out by the honourable member which were widely reported accounts for itself.
“They forgot to reconcile their lies with the number of jobs given to member of the constituents by Hon. Lawal. They also refused to admits to the personal donations coupled with motions and bills sponsored on the floor of the national assembly.

“While they may have embarked on a wide range of blackmail, we will continue to answer them with our achievement both on the floor and outside the national assembly.”

“Hon. Lawal since winning the reps seat in 2015, has been made the subject of attacks of the opposition. Since 2015, it has been one court case to another. He has become the most litigated reps member in Nigeria history, with all the litigations coming from the same source – the opposition party, PDP.

“We caution the opposition to put a stop to their irritant attacks or else face the wrath of man and God. For who God has chosen no man can bring down”


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