Kogi Assembly Legislature Commerce Road Rehabilitation, Facilities Employment And Scholarship For Constituents.

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In less than seven months of being elected As The House of Assembly member for Okene II State Constituency Hon Zakari Yusuf of Kogi State House of Assembly has began the rehabilitation of feeder road at irigoni Quaters of Okengwe area of his Constituency as part of his desires to make meaningful impacts on his constituency.

Hon Zakari Yusuf who has been commended overwhelmingly by vast majority of his Constituency for the laudable project of the Road Rehabilitation is also being applauded for using his good office to facilitates employment for two of his Constituents into the state civil service as well as the offer of scholarship to one Ibrahim Abdulfatayi whose mother was part of the campaign team but died shortly after the House of Assembly Election.

The Assembly Member is being reckon by the vast majority of his Constituency for his outstanding performance in the state Legislative business within few months of being a good representative of his Constituency.

The people of Okene II Constituency are highly hopeful of Hon Zakari Yusuf aka Nescafe performance as their representative in the days and years to come

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