NSE Lokoja congratulates Farouk on his appointment as DLG,says his elevation was due to competence

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NSE Lokoja congratulates Farouk on his appointment as DLG,says his elevation was due to competence

By Musa Tanimu Nasidi

THE Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) Lokoja branch Sunday congratulated the newly appointed Director of Local government and Head of Administration, Engineer Farouk Yahaya Muhmmed Danladi, stating that his elevation is a testimony to his managerial competence and uncompromising attitude for good governance.

The NSE in a statement signed by Lokoja branch Chairman, Engineer Abdulsalam Sagir and made available to newsmen in Lokoja, pledged their support and full cooperation.

The Society while also offering their congratulatory message hailed the appointment of Engineer Farouk by Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi state,also appealed to the appointee not to rest on his oars in ensuring the total transformation of Lokoja Local Government area in particular and Kogi state in general.

The statement read in part; ”We are convinced that your appointment is a testimony to your managerial competence and the Governor’s utmost belief in your ability to move forward the Local Government in this critical era.”

“We acknowledge your commitment and your uncompromising attitude on good governance. We therefore commit you to the hands of the Almighty God to strengthen and guide you to success amidst the challenges in your new assignment ”

“While pledging the full support and cooperation of the NSE Lokoja Local branch,we urged the council staffers on the need to support Engineer Farouk for the peace and social economy transformation of Lokoja Local Government area” Sagir said.

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